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File List | 1997-01-07 | 17.4 KB | 249 lines |
- BLTW127.ZIP 172,576 11-15-96 Bullet v1.27 for Windows. Super-fast,
- | super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF,
- | transaction-based, network-ready database
- | toolkit for Windows 16-bit
- BLTX_212.ZIP 475,581 11-18-96 Bullet/X v2.12: 32-bit database engine
- | toolkit for DOSX32 (32-bit extenders).
- | Provides pre-built and tested access
- | methods to data and index files for
- | application programmers. Compact,
- | efficient, and very fast.
- CAL32.ZIP 56,132 10-10-96 Cal32 OCX v1.2. 32-bit calendar custom
- | control for use with Visual Basic and
- | Visual C++. It incorporates many
- | customizable properties (3D, colors,
- | fonts, tool tips, context menu, etc.) and
- | has a date range between January 1, 100
- | through December 31, 9999.
- CHKLST13.ZIP 43,486 10-09-96 CheckList OCX v1.3. 32-bit Check List-Box
- | custom control for use with Visual Basic
- | and Visual C++. It offers many
- | customizable properties (fonts, colors,
- | 3D, etc.), event notification and many
- | 'method' functions.
- COBFD.ZIP 55,141 12-01-96 COBFD v1.12. COBOL FD Analyzer. Parses a
- | COBOL source file (either a copylib or
- | complete source), identifies all group and
- | elementary data items.
- CYGNUS.ZIP 332,551 10-10-96 Cygnus v1.02 for Win 95/NT. Hex editor
- | features an MDI interface, multi-level
- | undo/redo, extensive drag and drop
- | support, fast and flexible search, and
- | more.
- DB100.ZIP 595,389 10-31-96 DemoBuilder v1.0 for Windows. Create
- | impressive demos of your applications.
- | Using a slide show-like presentation, you
- | can easily build interactive or self
- | running demos. It can record and playback
- | movie clips of your
- DCG16007.ZIP 244,729 10-16-96 dCG v0.07a. Generates much of the common
- | code that you have to type whenever you're
- | about to start a new project. This was
- | created with C/C++ coding in mind, but
- | should work with most platforms. 16 bit.
- DCG32007.ZIP 250,546 10-16-96 dCG v0.07a. 32 bit version.
- EASYLOCK.ZIP 1,822,58 11-02-96 EasyLock v1.0 for Windows. Uses OLE server
- | technology to provide a security mechanism
- | for electronically distributing your
- | Visual Basic and Visual C++ applications.
- | It shows a customizable splash screen,
- | allows the user to obtain registration
- | information, and more.
- EUPHOR14.ZIP 360,138 11-08-96 Euphoria Programming Language v1.4b.
- | Simple, flexible, powerful and easy to
- | learn. 10-20x faster than Microsoft
- | QBasic. No 640K limit. Complete Reference
- | Manual. Over 14,000 lines of free source
- | code. Public Domain.
- FLABEL.ZIP 190,036 10-03-96 FLabel is a custom control which allows
- | you to format the text within labels. You
- | can use different fonts, colors, multiple
- | paragraphs, etc. Both 16- and 32-bit
- | versions are provided.
- FREELI30.ZIP 207,800 12-11-96 FreeLib: Free Assembly Language Library
- | v3.0. 200 optimized assembly language
- | routines that do everything from file I/O
- | to VGA graphics. Full source code is
- | included for all routines. Public Domain.
- FXEDIT32.ZIP 114,695 11-07-96 Fxedit v1.6 for Windows. Hex editor to
- | view and modify binary files. Includes
- | search for Hex and ASCII strings. Commonly
- | used menu commands available on the
- | toolbar. 16 and 32 Bit versions.
- GETHST.ZIP 178,101 10-03-96 Internet GetHost Control - Custom control
- | that translates Internet host names into
- | IP address, and IP addresses into host
- | names. Includes 16 and 32 bit versions.
- HB109.ZIP 628,628 10-12-96 HelpBuilder v1.09 for Windows. Help file
- | creation package supports topic pages,
- | links and popup windows to other topics,
- | bold text, color support, and more.
- HED16B.ZIP 118,020 11-05-96 Hed v1.6. The hex editor.
- HEXIT100.ZIP 68,290 12-21-96 HexIt v1.0. Hex Editor. Manipulate the
- | EXE-header, mouse support, customizeable
- | mousebuttons, nice setup-mode, compare 2
- | files and text viewer
- II202.ZIP 323,934 12-20-96 Install It v2.02. DOS application
- | installer, extremely easy to use, no
- | script language, many features, occupies
- | only 28K on disk. Built-in decompression,
- | and other utilities included.
- INFOTICK.ZIP 36,784 10-10-96 InfoTick OCX v1.0. 32-bit custom control
- | for Visual Basic and Visual C++ that
- | provides a flicker-free information ticker.
- INISPY95.ZIP 253,608 11-25-96 INISpy95 allows you to monitor read and
- | write activity by any Windows application
- | against all INI-style files in your
- | system. It reports the values read and
- | retrieved from INI files and attaches to
- | the log the date and time the activity
- | took place.
- INTER52A.ZIP 361,599 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52.
- | Comprehensive listing of Interrupt calls,
- | both documented and undocumented. Contains
- | over 8100 entries (plus some 3300 tables),
- | utility programs and viewers, Winnhelp
- | utilities and non-WinHelp hypertext
- | converters. 1/8.
- INTER52B.ZIP 361,731 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 2/8.
- INTER52C.ZIP 358,922 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 3/8.
- INTER52D.ZIP 339,940 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 4/8.
- INTER52E.ZIP 217,421 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 5/8.
- INTER52F.ZIP 215,581 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 6/8.
- INTER52G.ZIP 286,718 10-20-96 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 52. 7/8.
- INTER52Z.ZIP 15,318 10-20-96 HC? Phrases file (WINHELP compression
- | info) for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
- | release 52. 8/8.
- IPACK.ZIP 908,522 11-14-96 Internet Pack contains several custom
- | controls that give your Windows
- | applications access to the Internet. Both
- | 16- and 32-bit versions included.
- IW_SDK20.ZIP 2,737,94 12-04-96 Interwave Programming SDK v2.0 and
- | Technical Info .Pdf Files.
- JXFN_1_0.ZIP 440,149 11-14-96 JLib Font Extension v1.0. Add-on to JLib
- | v1.7 provides bitmap font support and
- | conversions from some other formats. Comes
- | with example fonts and demos. Supports
- | plain/textured fonts w/underlining.
- LZO023.ZIP 261,158 11-23-96 LZO v0.23. Real-time data compression
- | library.
- NETLIST.ZIP 41,347 10-09-96 NetList OCX v1.1. 32-bit network resource
- | browser custom control for use with Visual
- | Basic and Visual C++. Incorporates many
- | customizable properties (resource type,
- | comments, context menu, etc.).
- NEWS.ZIP 270,341 10-03-96 Mabry News Control. Provides easy access
- | to Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
- | servers as specified in RFC977, and
- | includes support for popular extensions
- | used by nearly all existing news servers.
- PICBTN.ZIP 203,234 10-03-96 Picture Button Custom Control. Provides a
- | command button that has both text and a
- | picture on it. The picture can be scaled
- | and placed above, below, to the right, or
- | to the left of the text and the text may
- | be multi-line. 16 and 32 bit versions.
- PINSTL20.ZIP 905,775 11-22-96 Pabulum Install v2.0. Great looking and
- | easy to use installation program. Features
- | include: Compresses all files before
- | copying to disk; automatically copies to
- | multiple disks if needed; full uninstall
- | capability; modify CONFIG and AUTOEXEC
- | files.
- POLY.ZIP 843,783 11-11-96 Polyscript Comm Toolkit v1.0d for Windows
- | <ASP> Programmer's serial communications
- | tool. Automate tedious serial
- | communications chores. Integrate scripted
- | serial communications into your programs.
- RASDIAL.ZIP 34,195 10-09-96 RasDial OCX v1.0. 32-bit custom control
- | for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++
- | that provides easy RAS (Remote Access
- | Service) control for any application.
- RGB32.ZIP 44,250 11-13-96 RGB Editor v2.2 for Win95/NT. Select and
- | create RGB colors for programming
- | projects. The values of the red, green and
- | blue components are displayed and easily
- | transferred to your source code files.
- SB500.ZIP 599,680 10-12-96 Setup Builder v5.0. Helps you add
- | professional touches to the installation
- | of Windows-based applications. Features
- | automatic creation of install script code,
- | file compress using MS Compress, cue
- | cards, 3D look, modify INI files and more.
- SSD51.ZIP 155,395 10-13-96 Servile Software Decoder v5.1. Code
- | analyser for the IBM PC Traces and
- | analyses 8080/8086 (and some 386) software
- | Screened interpreter prevents disabling
- | and disk writes providing a safe
- | environment for analysing computer
- SUF40.ZIP 1,339,97 10-08-96 Setup Factory v4.0 for Windows.
- | Professional point and click setup
- | builder. Extremely flexible project
- | design, uses a visual approach for
- | creating a setup program and disk set for
- | your software.
- TAPIDIAL.ZIP 41,941 10-10-96 TapiDial OCX v1.0. 32-bit custom control
- | for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++
- | that can add a TAPI phone dialer to any
- | application.
- TASK3210.ZIP 9,151 10-26-96 Tasker32 v1.0. Small multitasking,
- | multithreading library and microkernel for
- | Borland DPMI32 programs. Requires Borland
- | C 4.02 or later with the PowerPack addon .
- TINYPORT.ZIP 48,739 11-05-96 TinyPort v1.1 for Win NT. Universal device
- | driver that allows reading/writing of I/O
- | ports. This can be used for Pascal
- | (Delphi), C and other languages.
- TN2.ZIP 167,408 11-15-96 T Interpreter v2.0 for Windows. The T
- | programming language is easy to learn and
- | user friendly. It enables you to quickly
- | master structured programming methods. It
- | includes a multiple document editor, and
- | on-line help.
- VIDMGR13.ZIP 22,850 11-07-96 Vidmgr v1.3. Provides a set of screen
- | drawing, cursor and keyboard routines For
- | text mode DOS, OS/2 and Windows 95/NT
- | applications. Full source code included.
- VPEDMO16.ZIP 901,431 10-16-96 Virtual Print Engine v2.00. DLL that
- | allows your applications to generate
- | dynamic reports, on-screen presentations,
- | previews, and fill/print exact
- | forms/labels with easy function calls.
- | Demos are included for C++, BP, VB,
- | Access, Delphi, and others.
- WET300.ZIP 285,507 11-21-96 Windows Encryption Toolkit v2.03 for
- | Windows. Allows developers and corporate
- | users to build data security into their
- | products using royalty free encryption
- | DLLs. This version provides XOR,
- | transposition, and substitution data
- | encryption methods.
- WHOIS.ZIP 184,063 10-03-96 Internet WhoIs Control. Custom control
- | that provides access to the WhoIs servers
- | on the Internet. By incorporating the
- | control into your applications you may
- | query for information about hosts, users,
- | and businesses who have accounts on the
- | Internet.
- WISEDEMO.ZIP 2,105,19 12-26-96 Wise Installer v5.0 for Windows. Trial
- | version. For developers to try before you
- | buy. Very good.
- XPACK164.ZIP 164,411 10-09-96 XPack v1.64 . Powerful compressor that
- | makes smaller, encrypted, CRC-verified
- | .EXE files. Ability to compress overlay
- | programs compiled by Turbo/Borland Pascal.
- | Makes smaller, .COM/.SYS files. With
- | filename wildcards support.
- YAWPI23.ZIP 211,261 10-09-96 Yet Another Windows Program Installer v2.3
- | <ASP> Simple yet powerful setup program,
- | supports multiple floppies, mutliple
- | languages, compressed archives, progress
- | bars, uninstall, CD-ROM setup. Compression
- | included in program.
- ZAPIT410.ZIP 61,459 10-02-96 Zap-It v4.10. Hex file/disk editor.
- | Includes lots of features like: Search
- | any/specific text/ Replace/ Cut/ Copy/
- | Paste/ Insert/ Calculator/ Start new file/
- | Jump/ Diskcaching/ Filecompare from any
- | fileposition and more.